Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1-2-3 Design For Clients

A simple 3 step process to a more successful graphic design project.

1 Get Organized.
Waiting until the last minute to get that big project rolling? Figure you can throw together some basic info and work things out after you see a proof? Be prepared for wasted time and money. Working in haste increases the likelihood of mistakes, and pushing things to the last minute will usually result in rush charges. Tight deadlines are to be expected in this business, but if you’re generally prompt and thorough about handling your end, your graphic designer will be much more willing to go the extra mile when you really need it.

2 Follow The Leader.
You’re hiring a graphic designer to perform a very specific task which usually doesn’t have very specific rules. To prevent creative energy from going astray, let them establish a strict schedule and focus on results. In a perfect marketing world it would go something like this:

Meeting-Proof-Revisions-Approval-Results. Yay!

In reality, the point between “revisions” and “approval” tends to get a little crazy. Making revisions in as few steps as possible will save lots of time — and money.

3 You’ve Hired Them. Now, let them do their job.
As the client, you are the decision maker. You must make solid business decisions and then step back. You have to forget about your favorite color or that cool font you saw on the menu at lunch. Tough to swallow? Just consider that micro-managing design projects can create a negative and counterproductive work environment and will often compromise the integrity of the finished marketing piece.

There you have it. A simple process to make your next design project easy as 1-2-3.

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