Unless you operate in a highly specialized industry where there is virtually no competition, you are probably constantly trying to one-up your competitors. Whether you get sucked into price wars or the "why our product is better than their product" game, it's draining and endless — and honestly, not a very good way to expend your energy or your budget.
Let's try something new. First, take a look at your competition. Pay attention to what they do and do not promote. Pay attention to what they do and do not offer. Pay attention to how they operate and how they interact with consumers.
Next, start paying attention to positive consumer reactions to your product or service. Really pay attention. We're not talking about surveys and focus groups here. We want a real world perspective. Keep records of everyday encounters. This could reveal something they are value in you, but not in your competition. Pay attention when someone says they were referred to you or that your product was recommended by a friend. Do they find a specific feature of your product to be an especially nice touch? Do they value the level of courtesy and support they receive from your customer service staff? Do they find your sales people to be particularly helpful and a pleasure to work with? What is that one something that makes people buy from you instead of your competition? It might be something you intentionally designed into your product or your brand strategy, or you might find it to be something unexpected that reveals the true nature of your company. Whatever it is, this is what makes you special. This is what will help you rise above and beyond the reaches of your competition.
But, just knowing is not enough. This special something must be decidedly integrated into all direct customer interactions, all social media efforts, and all paid advertisements. This is nothing short of a complete rebranding.
When you figure out what makes you so special, you raise the bar. You no longer have to view your marketing as a competitive activity. You can simply focus on being the best at being you. Be special and success will come.
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